Refund Policy

For eligible returned items, the refund amount will be proportional to the price of the returned item. In case of returning all products in one order, the refund value will be equal to the total amount paid on the purchase invoice.

1. When will you receive your refund?
It takes 2-3 business days for us to process and notify the approval or rejection of the refund via email.
Where approved, the refund will be processed within 3-4 business days.

2. How do you receive your refund?
Refunds will be sent back to the original credit card or method of payment within 3-4 business days.

3. Late or missing refund (if any)
If your refund has not been received within 3-4 business days please contact us for a resolution.

If you have any problems, what should you do?
Please contact us for better advice.

PonPon Store

Address:18553 Walnut Ave Country Club Hills, IL 60478, USA
Phone: +1 9456674169